Friday, January 9, 2009

Week 6

What a rather quick semester. And psychology is just rolling off the plate. This class is something I would call...interesting. Of course in a good way. I took this class because majoring in psychology was one of my ideas, and I wanted to see what "goodies" Psych had. I guess what I like about this class is that something seems to be happening and "mind games" are apparent everywhere. My favorite project was probably the senses project since I got to do numerous things like spin around and walk the line like a drunk person, and eat good cookies! What I didn't like about the class was the work given when a sub was present. That work totally blows, and I feel that nothing really came out of it.
I think leaving out that whole super old AP test analysis should be taken out. That took forever to attempt to complete. Also, leaving out that one sub who refused to resort to common sense during our senses projects and listen to the authority of a teacher and totally messed up the schedule couldn't hurt either(I'm aware that's a run-on sentence?). Since I'm not taking Eco YET, I really don't know what to suggest.

Psych was a fun class, and I learned a nice chunk of information. Thanks for the experience Mrs.Halfen! See ya around everyone in my class!

EDIT: After reading other's blogs, I just have to say some more haha. THE VIDEOS. KEEP THE VIDEOS. The one on the solitary confinement was my favorite. Watching people go nuts is better than anything else! Then comes the "repeated". The stepping through the sections was too intense, although I do appreciate having a chance at extra credit. In addition, the short semester totally blows, and I think you should push to making it a year long!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Week 5

So this week, I'll be discussing brain training programs and fluid intelligence! So according to, fluid intelligence is "the ability to reason and to solve new problems independently of previously acquired knowledge." The idea is that people take brain training tests, their fluid intelligence will increase or at the very least, slow the decline of mental processing from aging. It seems logical since it is known that elderly people who continue to provide themselves with brain activities become less susceptible to reduction in mental processing. If it works for them, why not me? Apparently, this is not the case completely. There is no exact proof that participating in brain training activities can actually improve our fluid intelligence and that it can actually get better without practice. However, it is said that our brain can still be trained and grow. However, this is by a certain method. Even though there is no solid evidence, it really can't harm you. The only thing it does if it doesn't work is use up some of "your time and a few bucks." What's to lose? Plus, some of the activities can be fine when you're really bored hehehe...

So ultimately, there is no proof that 4hours playing Brain Age infront of the TV on your brand new Wii will enhance your fluid intelligence.