Friday, December 12, 2008

Week 4

So...who am I? Time to find out...according to freaky tests that are suppose to tell you who you are o.O YAS!

First test! The Jung Typology Test:

ENTJ. Extraverted: 89, Intuitive: 12, Thinking: 1, Judging: 11

You are:
very expressed extravert
slightly expressed intuitive personality
slightly expressed thinking personality
slightly expressed judging personality

Hmm... I guess sometimes I can be very expressed. I like that. If it isn't 2nd, then I'd be surprised. HAHAHA ABOUT MY THINKING SKILLS. I suppose that's true sometimes. And judging...I guess I judge more than I think.


Understand yourself

Openness To Experience: Imaginitive, Broad ideas, Open to New experiences. Defintely! Score:73

Conscientiousness: Responsible, well-organized. Defintely responsible, not so much well-organized. Score: 67

Agreeableness: compassionate, good-natured, and eager to cooperate and avoid conflict. I guess this goes into my tactical senses. Works for me! ScorE: 61

Extraversion: The SOCIAL sideee. What a nice drop down from the first test haha. Score: 51

Neuroticism: How emo we are/get at certain things. That's right everyone, I'm a positive person! Score: 24 (the lower the better I suppose unless you like to be emotional...)


Big Five IPIP Style

Expressive Style: 4.00 - You probably prefer to interact with other people, meet new people, and feel as though you are more energetic than others. alrightt!

Interpersonal Style: 3.70 - You probably hate conflict and rejection and make it a point to treat others with love, compassion, and respect. I don't like conflict. Love and joking around! Respect I suppose.

Work Style: 2.90 - achievement oriented but make sure to take time out for an earned break. HECK YEAH!

Emotional Style: 4.00 - tend to handle pressure and tension well. Yup, awesomeness.

Intellectual Style: 4.10 - resist orders, and prefer to break new ground and challenge tradition at every turn. Maybe not at every turn but I do do it!

Crime and Criminals:

extraversion = 3.75 - Well this is lower than usual o.O

agreeableness = 3.22 - This one too...

conscientiousness = 2.78 - Really now... I think I control myself better than this.

neuroticism = 2.25 - Well that's good!

openness = 4.20 - Alright, I'm an open person...kind of.

Lastly, the Attractive Test

The Results:  

•I prefer "nice" girls haha.

•Seductiveness is average

•Cheerfulness is my highest. Happy, fun-loving, and upbeat are my thing I guess

•Intelligence: A little above average

•Trendy: A little above average.

That about sums me up accurately...I hope haha. 

Now to discuss the tests. The Jung Typology Test appears to be the most reliable due to it's "YES NO" questions which prompts a question where one can be one or the other. Of course there could be a problem if some answers are actually a maybe . The Understand Yourself test prompts questions and rating them from one to nine. This is tedious and more complex with 9 choices to choose from and some questions are asked more than once, thus the validity of this test may be lower than some of the others. The Big Five test follows a similar format as the Personality Lab tests, however they prompt only 5 choices to choose from. Since I'm a fan of the more fewer, the more accurate concept, I find this test more accurate than the questions with more than 5 choices. This includes the Explain your Brain tests that are almost the same as the Personality Lab tests. Overall, I'd conclude that the most reliable would be the Jung Typology Test, which is the one I'd believe the most in.


Trevor B. said...

i like how you dissected each test validity by the method and questions they asked also by comparing it with your own diagnosis of yourself

Alice L. said...

Haha, I agree with Trevor. You elaborated a lot on your thoughts about each test :) Good job!

Hussain said...

I agree with you that the Jung test is reliable. Good job summarizing the results of your tests.

Joni said...

Your analysis in the end is really good. Even though these tests are fun, I really don't think they should be taken too seriously.

Erica C. said...

I agree with trevor. this was very in-depth and well written. good job!

Blackbobby said...

I also have to agree with Trevor. I liked how you went into detail about how you felt on each test.

great job